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VPS Webinar



You are not alone in this journey of self discovery.


We can guide you through the tenets of how to use the Visualize Personal Success™ (VPS) tools.  Take our VPS Webinar to give you the foundation to 'step into your true self and shed your baggage'.  For coaching sessions to supplement the webinar - click here!



Visualize Personal SuccessTM (VPS) Webinar:


The Visualize Personal Success™ (VPS) model for personal change is an easy way to remember to stay true to yourself and be kind to yourself. The four steps of VPS will cover how to align your goals, values, and behaviors at work and at home. Use VPS to re-align your goals, values and behaviors to ultimately live your dreams. 


Galina provides the newest insights from the fields of neuroscience and systems theory along with descriptions of how they relate to and support a lifelong commitment to career and personal growth, change, and new healthier habits. This workshop will focus on how to feel valued, appreciated, and productive.


Register for the next VPS Webinar here, so you can begin your transformation sooner rather than later!


Good News! Galina Knopman's VPS (Visualize Personal Success) Webinar has been approved by the International Coach Federation (ICF) for 1 Core CCE Unit! for Coaches! 



                              Complete the webinar to receive your credit and certificate of completion!


Galina Knopman, PCC

Matron of Change

Galina Knopman, PCC is an executive, leadership, and life coach, organizational development consultant, and process consultant who provides leadership development services to individuals, corporations, the federal government and private organizations.  She has her Executive Masters in Applied Neuroscience.   Galina received her Professional Coaching Certificate (PCC) from the International Coach Federation (ICF) and received her credentials from Georgetown University. 


Galina is a Matron of Change.  She developed the VPS model and has successfully used it with her clients since 1996.  She helps individuals fulfill their potential through a better understanding of how the human brain and mind function at individual, team and systemic levels.  Galina is a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF), a member of the NeuroLeadership Institute, a CMMI Institute Partner and a member of the Montgomery County Business Coaches Roundtable.

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